The following tree is the class hierarchy of Ruby/GTK. In Ruby/GTK, the class hierarchy of Ruby is very similar to the class hierarchy of GTK.
| +Gtk::Misc
| | +Gtk::Label
| | | +Gtk::AccelLabel
| | | `Gtk::TipsQuery
| | +Gtk::Arrow
| | +Gtk::Image
| | `Gtk::Pixmap
| +Gtk::Container
| | +Gtk::Bin
| | | +Gtk::Alignment
| | | +Gtk::Frame
| | | | `Gtk::AspectFrame
| | | +Gtk::Button
| | | | +Gtk::ToggleButton
| | | | | `Gtk::CheckButton
| | | | | `Gtk::RadioButton
| | | | `Gtk::OptionMenu
| | | +Gtk::Item
| | | | +Gtk::MenuItem
| | | | | +Gtk::CheckMenuItem
| | | | | | `Gtk::RadioMenuItem
| | | | | `Gtk::TearoffMenuItem
| | | | +Gtk::ListItem
| | | | `Gtk::TreeItem
| | | +Gtk::Window
| | | | +Gtk::ColorSelectionDialog
| | | | +Gtk::Dialog
| | | | | `Gtk::InputDialog
| | | | +Gtk::DrawWindow
| | | | +Gtk::FileSelection
| | | | +Gtk::FontSelectionDialog
| | | | `Gtk::Plug
| | | +Gtk::EventBox
| | | +Gtk::HandleBox
| | | +Gtk::ScrolledWindow
| | | `Gtk::Viewport
| | +Gtk::Box
| | | +Gtk::ButtonBox
| | | | +Gtk::HButtonBox
| | | | `Gtk::VButtonBox
| | | +Gtk::VBox
| | | | +Gtk::ColorSelection
| | | | `Gtk::GammaCurve
| | | `Gtk::HBox
| | | +Gtk::Combo
| | | `Gtk::Statusbar
| | +Gtk::CList
| | | `Gtk::CTree
| | +Gtk::Fixed
| | +Gtk::Notebook
| | | `Gtk::FontSelection
| | +Gtk::Paned
| | | +Gtk::HPaned
| | | `Gtk::VPaned
| | +Gtk::Layout
| | +Gtk::List
| | +Gtk::MenuShell
| | | +Gtk::MenuBar
| | | `Gtk::Menu
| | +Gtk::Packer
| | +Gtk::Socket
| | +Gtk::Table
| | +Gtk::Toolbar
| | `Gtk::Tree
| +Gtk::Calendar
| +Gtk::DrawingArea
| | `Gtk::Curve
| +Gtk::Editable
| | +Gtk::Entry
| | | `Gtk::SpinButton
| | `Gtk::Text
| +Gtk::Ruler
| | +Gtk::HRuler
| | `Gtk::VRuler
| +Gtk::Range
| | +Gtk::Scale
| | | +Gtk::HScale
| | | `Gtk::VScale
| | `Gtk::Scrollbar
| | +Gtk::HScrollbar
| | `Gtk::VScrollbar
| +Gtk::Separator
| | +Gtk::HSeparator
| | `Gtk::VSeparator
| +Gtk::Preview
| `Gtk::Progress
| `Gtk::ProgressBar
class Gtk::Widget is the top in the widget classes of Ruby/GTK. In this class, basic attributes and behavior of all widgets in GTK are defined. Gtk::Widget is the super-class of the other widget class and not able to be instanciated.
Gtk::Container is a widget to place other widgets into it. Box, Flame, Button widgets are kinds of Container. Gtk::Container is an abstract class and not able to be instanciated.
The following widgets don't have corresponding windows.
Gtk::Alignment Gtk::Arrow Gtk::Bin Gtk::Box Gtk::Image Gtk::Item Gtk::Label Gtk::Pixmap Gtk::ScrolledWindow Gtk::Separator Gtk::Table Gtk::AspectFrame Gtk::Frame Gtk::VBox Gtk::HBox Gtk::VSeparator Gtk::HSeparatorNext